Saturday, March 14, 2009

Career Advice for Real Estate Agents

Being a Real Estate Agent is exhilarating. The rush you feel when a deal finally closes and you are waiting for that wire transfer is unparalleled by any other paycheck you will receive. But this rush does not come easy, nor does it come quick. Being a good agent requires a certain level of patience and stamina. Closing a deal is akin to running a marathon, you have to be in it for the long haul; because it’s rarely a sprint. Here is some advice for Real Estate Agents that will help you endure the marathon and finish with flying colors.

Invest in yourself. The investment you make into your career is one that you make into yourself. From time and effort to clothing and personal hygiene, the more you tend to your own needs, the more your clients will feel that you are capable of tending to their needs. As a Real Estate Agent, you will probably work evenings and weekends. While your schedule will remain flexible, remember to address and exceed your customer’s expectations with regard to your time and availability. It will often become necessary to show a home or take a listing appointment in the evening, or a weekend may be the only time you can write up an offer. Regardless of whether you plan to be a full-time or part-time agent, in order to be successful, you will need to make yourself available when your customers are available. If you are committed to success, and are willing compromise your time, to best serve your customers; there is no limit to the benefits you will enjoy as a result of this career choice.

The amount of time you invest in your career will directly impact what you reap. You’ve heard the saying "you reap what you sow" and real estate is no exception. A great way to maximize the benefits you receive as a result of the time you invest, is to educate yourself. Bu "educate" we mean that you should spend time reading, researching and talking to folks. Get a feel for the wants and needs of buyers and sellers; demonstrate your clear understanding of their concerns early on in conversations and you’re sure to grab their attention. Also, stay on top of industry news and market conditions. Doing this will make you seem like an "expert" and generate a sense of trust and reliance between you and your potential clients. Finally, think about new ways to reach potential customers. You can do this by attending events, networking or even joining social networking sites.

Much of the help and training you will receive will come from your employing broker. This is why it’s so important to choose the RIGHT one. Your real estate broker will help you in many ways, matching your efforts and investments by making some of his/her own and supporting your work and providing direction.