Monday, February 2, 2009

Is Refinancing Your Home Right for You?

Economic times seem troubling. But they don't have to be, not for everyone! Mortgage rates are low and can be translated into super savings for borrowers who qualify. But there are some things you must know before you decide whether or not to refinance in the current market!

Before you even consider refinancing, you have to think about what you are refinancing. Many Americans have lost all of their equity, Zillow estimates that 1 in 7 American homeowners have negative equity in their homes. Generally, you will need at least 3 percent equity in your home to refinance. If you do not have three percent, refinancing may not be an option for you.

It's not as easy as you think. Most people's applications will not be approved. The economy is in a state of turmoil and this trickles down and affects everyone. Many lenders are not making it easy to refinance.

Another consideration is your FICO score. You will most likely need a score of 740 and above to be able to secure some the best rates of the market. It may not be worth financing, even if you get approved and your FICO is less than 740 because you may be paying a higher rate.

Next, even though it seems that the rates are unbeatable, you will have to carefully think about your finances when you are considering refinancing. First, I suggest you take a look at your current rate. What is it? If your rate is about 6%, perhaps it may be a good time to refinance, since your rate is more than one whole point above the market's current rates. Also, keep in mind rates for loans above the current FHA limit ($729,000) will have much higher rates than those within the FHA limit. Another thing you must consider are fees. The more you pay in fees, the less you are saving, even at a lower rate. Calculate how much you will be saving with the lower rate and if you can recover what you pay in fees in three years or less, then refinancing may be right for you.

The fees that you will have to pay vary, however you have options when it comes to paying these fees. You may want to pay cash for these fees, take a higher interest rate for lower fees, or simply add the fees into your mortgage. You will need to talk to your mortgage specialist and he/she will provide you with the best advice for your situation.

Shopping. The best way to get the best rate and the best deal is to go shopping. If one lender says "No" that does not mean that no lender will refinance you. The era of the mortgage lender who hunts you down is over. It is now time for you, the consumer, to seek out the best lender for you with the best deal for your situation.

You're not alone. The economy may be slow, but the industry is not. Mortgage lenders are swamped! They are inundated with work and faced with downsizing and lay-offs, they often struggle. Keep that in mind when you submit your application. Be patient and realize that it may take upwards of 30 days to hear back from a lender.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, we, at Crestico Realty are here to help!


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